Thursday, August 17, 2006

How We See Reality

Instead of pouring knowledge into people's heads, we need to help them grind a new set of eyeglasses so that we can see the world in a new way.

~ J S Brown.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Every Moment is a Moment in Creation

When we live in the moment, we fulfill our obligation of living in surrender to the Creator of every moment.
By doing so, akhirat takes care of itself, insha-Allah.
Living for akhirat, however, means living for some other moment, one that does not exist outside of our minds. It is not the same as living for Allah, who is eternal and present all the time and everywhere.
Rather, living for akhirat is living in blindness of Allah, for Allah is the Creator and is known and appreciated by His creation, which occurs continuously every moment of our lives.
He created to be known. He created us as the knower to know Him. How to fulfill the obligation to know Him without paying full attention to Him through his creation?
Though He cannot be known (i.e. His face/essence) with our eyes in this life, He is known through attention and awareness to His Attributes and Names which can only be known by way of His creation, ourselves and His revelation.
A blind man can know many things even though he cannot see with his eyes. The blind man, through the sensitivity of his sharpened inner perception, can even know things at a much deeper level than most of us.
Likewise, we can know Allah even though we cannot see Him, through the purification of our inner Selves and by being fully aware and present every moment...

"Take Wisdom from Wherever You Find It"

Children tell stories,
but in their tales are enfolded
many a mystery and moral lesson.
Though they may relate many ridiculous things,
keep looking in those ruined places for a treasure.

-Mathnawi [III, 2601-2603]

Wisdom from the Most Wise is always manifested from the hearts of the pure ones...