Thursday, November 16, 2006


Whether you are fast or slow, eventually you will find what you are seeking. Always devote yourself wholeheartedly to your search. Even though you may limp or be bent double, do not abandon your search, but drag yourself ever toward Him.

- Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi(rahmatullahi 'alayhi)

Beware the Invalid Aqidah of Wahhabism

Shaykh Jamil Effendi al-Zahawi al-Hanbali al-Makki on Wahhabism:

"... These verses [of the Qur'an] he [i.e. Muhammed ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab] interpreted in his own obscure fashion, having the gall to stand before Allah and facilitate the accomplishment of his own personal political ambitions by means of an unwarranted and unjustified exegesis of His holy text. His method here mostly consisted in applying these verses concerning the idolaters to Muslims and on this basis declaring that they had been disbelievers for the last six hundred years, that one may shed their blood with impunity and confiscate their property and reduce their land, the Abode of Islam, (Dar al-Islam) to a field of war against disbelief (Dar al-Harb)."

Sounds a lot like what we're up against today.... Using the Qur'an to declare war and unbelief against anyone that disagrees with them.... They are nothing but wolves in sheeps' clothing hoodwinking most of the Muslims because of our ignorance and tribalism... And how many 'imams' around us make du'a for these 'mujahideen' of calamity and suffering, while actually believing that they are fighting for Allah's sake as opposed to their own fascist political agendas (i.e. nafs)? I cannot support nor excuse fascism, whether it comes from Western leaders or Muslims... Right is right and wrong is wrong (Qur'an, 2:224; 5:8; 6:152; 16:09)...

The Shaykh continues:

"One of Ibn `Abd al-Wahhab's more enormous stupidities is this: When he sees reason going against his claims, he casts aside all modesty and suspends reason giving it no role in his judgment. He endeavors thereby to make people like dumb beasts when it comes to matters of faith. He prohibits reason to enter into religious affairs despite the fact that there is no contradiction between reason and faith. On the contrary, whenever human minds reach their full measure of completeness and perfection, religion's merits and prerogatives with regard to reason become totally manifest. Is there in this age, an age of the mind's progress, anything more abominable than denying reason its proper scope, especially when the cardinal pivot of religion and the capacity to perform its duties is based on the ability to reason? For the obligation to carry out the duties of Islam falls away when mental capacity is absent. Allah has addressed his servants in many places in the Qur'an: "O you who possess understanding" (cf. 65:10) alerting them to the fact that knowledge of the realities of religion is only a function of those possessed of minds.

"Now the time has come for me to give a summation of the vain and empty prattle of the renegade Wahhabi sect which it aspires to issue as a doctrine. Next, I shall discuss it in terms of the research that has been brought in its rebuttal and refute its argument. Their invalid creed consists of a number of articles:

1 - Affirming the face, hand, and spatial direction of the Creator and making Him a body that
descends and ascends;
2 - Making principles derived from narration (naql) prior to those derived from reason (`aql);
3 - Denial and rejection of consensus as a principle (asl) of Shari`a legislation;
4 - Similar denial and rejection of analogy (qiyas);
5 - Not permitting copying and emulating the judgments of the Imams who have in Islam the
status of those capable of exercising independent reasoning in matters of Shari`a;
6 - Declaring Muslims who contradict them disbelievers;
7 - Prohibition of using the name of the Messenger in petitions to Allah or the name of someone
else among the friends of Allah and the pious;
8 - Making the visiting of the tombs of prophets and of pious people illicit;
9 - Declaring a Muslim a disbeliever who makes a vow to someone other than Allah or sacrifices
at the grave or final resting place of awliya or the pious."

- Shaykh Jamil Effendi al-Zahawi al-Hanbali al-Makki

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Knowledge of Muhammad (SAW)

"Anyone not learned in the Knowledge of Muhammad dies insisting on unforgivable sin."
~ Sufi saying ~

This is an affirmation of the Sufi knowledge that he (Muhammad) is the first and the last of the saviours of souls. This is not a statement of exclusivity but of inclusivity, for the Healing or Salvation brought by the knowledge of Muhammad emcompasses, embraces and loves the knowledge of salvation and healing brought by all other prophets, saints and guides to this way of reality.

There IS only one way, the way of personal salvation and it is the personal way, the way of choosing to be in that way, to seperate yourself from ignorance, and join with the people of salvation. For salvation of the soul is attained only by the personal choice to realize and accept the Forgiveness of God, and through communion, accepting the guidance, tuteledge and education of the teachers of this way; by being saved, and by being among those sent to guide, tutor and educate others in the ways of Surrender to God's Mercy, Forgiveness and Abundance.

Hence the Muslim call to prayer is "come to Service and Worship, and come to True Success and Prosperity. "

- Ali Ansari

Monday, November 13, 2006

Whose Touching Our Hearts?

Hidden creatures good and bad always touch the heart. The touch of the angel is inspiration; Satanic touches temptations untold. Tarry with patience until your confusion is resolved and you know whom you rejected and who became the leader of your heart.

-Rumi, "Mathnawi"