Friday, February 26, 2010

Maulid Musings

Politics have become so insidious that even on a day like the birthday of Allah's beloved, Muslims today find a way to politicize it. It makes one wonder just how the Prophet of Mercy (SAW) would respond to how the Muslims conduct their affairs today. It often seems that we practice a religion called politics, yet we keep referring to ourselves as Muslims. We, literally, politicize EVERYTHING today. It is so sad. Don't people get sick of it? Don't they have better things to do? Why has political power become such an elixir to these people?

The Sunnah of our Prophet (SAW) is about how to live a life conscious of God. It's about how to wake up in the morning, how to eat, how to talk to people, how to pray, how to treat animals, how to treat our wives and others. It is so simple, yet straightforward and powerful. It is complete, comprehensive and omits nothing. Moreover, it focuses on the HOW of everything we do in life. Wow - that's a revelation. The Prophet (SAW) taught us HOW to do everything. Perhaps that is why it Sunnah refers to the WAY of the Prophet (SAW). Whether you are a doctor, teacher, cleaner, taxi driver, or whatever; whatever position, rank or status you hold in society, the Way of the Prophet (SAW) is for you!

Back to politics. Muslim politicians often resort to the lowest, deceitful and un-Islamic behaviors in their quest for political power. What makes me chuckle is the fact that many of them excuse their behavior by mentioning that politics justifies them acting the way they do. "Well, it's politics...." is often their excuse. This one tends to come coupled with the king of pathetic bastardization of Islamic teachings, namely, the "ends justifying the means." I've even heard people say that Nabi Muhammad (SAW) was a politician. Astaghfirullah! Am I suggesting that Muslims should not be involved in politics? Not at all. Only that if one chooses to enter politics, remember that it does not relieve you of being accountable for your deeds and that there is no such thing in Islam as the ends justifying the means.

The Prophet (SAW) engaged in statehood and statecraft for he was a state leader. That does not make him a politician. He did not engage in party politics. He was bestowed a position of leadership and in so doing, he kept teaching us the best way to do everything. He didn't need a party. God gave him everything without asking. He obeyed and Allah bestowed. He did what he was asked so Allah rewarded him. He never sought power, prestige and leadership. Furthermore, being in a position of leadership, a statesman, did not prevent him from focusing his time and attention on how to be a true human being. For that was his main concern, teaching us how to be true human beings, regardless of our status in society. His Sunnah is and always will be about how to do everything with excellence, taqwa... ihsan, which is never to be compromised, whether you are a statesman, politician, or whatever. No excuses, no "ends justifying the means," no twisting the teachings of Islam to suit your personal or group ambitions. Everything goes back to Allah. Everything returns to Him for reckoning. The Prophet (SAW) knew this better than anybody. That's why he kept teaching, kept setting that perfect example for us without compromise.

May Allah forever shower His mercy and blessings upon our beloved Prophet (SAW), his family, his companions and those that follow them sincerely....


  1. Assalamualaikum Brother Lateef,

    How are you and family? I am very tired of it . I wish none of the issues were reported in newspapers. Take care.

  2. Alhamdulillah, we are all good... Thanks for commenting!! How are you doing??? wassalam.
