Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Meaning and Labels in Islamic Law

If it is said: "Would you say that in the modern age with all the considerations surrounding sovereignty and inter-connectedness, the classical labels (of Islamic law) do not apply any longer...?"

We say: As Imam al-Ghazâlî would say:
"Once the real meaning is understood, there is no need to quibble over names."

Labels can never be relied upon; it is the meaning behind them that must be properly understood. Once they are unpacked, they immediately become relevant for all times; just as with the following loaded terms: jihâd, mujâhid and shahîd. The result for Muslims who fail to notice the relevance and fail to connect the dots of our own inherited medieval terms with the modern world may be that they will live in a schizophrenic cultural reality and will be unable to associate themselves with the surrounding society and will not be at peace [sukûn] with the rest of creation. Just as the sabab al-wujûd (reason for existing) of this article is a Muslim's misunderstanding of his own medieval terminology from a long and rich legacy, the fitna in the world today has been the result of those who misunderstand our Law.

Pay heed to the words of Mawlânâ Rûmî (may Allâh sanctify his secrets!):

"Go beyond names and look at the qualities, so that they may show you the way to the essence.
The disagreement of people takes place because of names. Peace occurs when they go to the real meaning.
Every war and every conflict between human beings has happened because of some disagreement about names.
It's such an unnecessary foolishness, because just beyond the arguing there's a long table of companionship, set and waiting for us to sit down."

- Sheikh Muhammad Afifi al-Akiti

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

On Knowing Allah...

Allah communicates to us knowledge of Himself through contemplation of the in-time. He tells us that He shows us His signs in the in-time, so we draw conclusions about Him through ourselves. We do not describe Him with any quality without also possessing that quality, with the exception of that essential autonomy. Since we know Him by ourselves and from ourselves, we attribute to Him all that we attribute to ourselves. For that reason, divine communications came down on the tongues of our interpreters, and so He described Himself to us through ourselves. When we witness, He witnesses Himself. We are certainly numerous as individuals and species, yet we are based on a single reality which unites us. So we certainly know that there are distinctions between individuals. If there were not, there would be no multiplicity in the One. - Shaykh al Akbar Muhi-d-Din Ibn al-'Arabi

Monday, March 13, 2006

From Part to Whole

A human being is a part of a whole, called by us a universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest… a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. ~ Albert Einstein


"Al-llah!" is the Arabic word meaning simply "One God". (Arabic is often referred to as the language of Al-llah!). "Al-llah!" is the Name by which the Divine Creator refers to Himself in the Revealed Qur`an.

It is called the "Divine Name", and has a singular power reflective of His Uniqueness and Transcendence over all creation. It is, without doubt, a Divinely revealed Name of God, indicative of nothing other than The One Supreme - Conscious, Living, Creating - over Whom there is none, greater than Whom there is none, and other than Whom there is none. This indicated Oneness is the very Truth of which Abraham, Isaac, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad all spoke, the "God" in Whom we all believe.

This Name indicates the One Who is the Author and Creator of the Divine and inescapable Reality of the Unity of us all, unto Whose Benevolent Will Surrender is truly due. Sustainer and Cherisher of creation, Wise, Compassionate, and Merciful. Beyond comprehension and known only by His manifest signs. Begetter of none and never begotten. The Lover and the Beloved, of Whom the Sufi poets sing. The heavens and the earth are but tokens of His Divine Power and Love.

So say the Name of Al-llah! often and much. Certainly no harm has ever come from it, and it promises to deepen your present awareness of the blessing, gratitude and knowledge of God, the Divine Creator whose throne is to be found in the hearts of His true believers. - Ali Ansari