Friday, May 11, 2007

Beautiful Du'a

My Lord, how great my desire to meet You, how earnest my hope of Your reward. O Most Gracious, Hope of all hope, O Adored by all, if I be unworthy of You, and my endeavors not deserving of devotion, then gladly shall I confess to my infirmities, my sins. For who could be more forgiving than Yourself? But should You choose to chastise me, I will satisfy myself in the knowledge that no one could be more just than You.

-Sha'wanna, "Rabi'a the Mystic"

I Am With My Slave When He Remembers Me...

Remembrance is not remembered.
I do not remember whether or not God remembered me in the past; He remembers me now. God does not remember whether I remembered Him in the past; I remember Him now.
His remembrance is my remembrance, and mine is His.
Can two beings who remember one another not be in union?

-Hallaj: Tawasin