Monday, September 15, 2008

Your Lord Will be Unjust to No One...

The record of your deeds will be given to each of you.
And those of you who are sinners, will be horrified at what you read.
You will scream, and say: ‘I can hardly believe it! This book leaves out nothing; every action, both great and small, has been noted down.’
Yes, you will find an account of all that you have done.
Your Lord will be unjust to no one.

- Qur'an, Al-Kahf, Surah 18:49

How Forgiving is Allah....

A man went back to transgressing after he had sincerely asked forgiveness of God and swore never to sin again.

"How will God forgive me this time?" he asked in despair.

A heavenly voice responded, "You obeyed Me and I made amends for you, then you abandoned Me and I indulged you, and now that you returned to Me I shall receive you."

-Al-Hujwiri, "The Kashf al-Mahjub"

Many of the questions we get on Islamic cyber counseling have to do with this issue -- can Allah really be THAT forgiving? From what I have learned and experienced the key to fogiveness of course is sincere repentance. If we are truly sincere in our tawbah, then yes, Allah is that forgiving and more so, regardless of how many times we slip....