Tuesday, June 20, 2006

He Who Knows Himself....

....We think we are moving towards a more solid connection with reality but the solid connection we are truly looking for is only with the truth that is within ourselves. We perform this outward search (for material gain) because in the reality of our minds we feel disconnected from ourselves. Our drive to connect is in response to a sense of lack of connection. We imagine a connection that is not there because we cannot realize a connection that is. And that connection is with God - Who is everywhere - and no one can be any farther from God than any one else, except in their illusions. Your distance from God is all in your mind, and it is equal to your distance from your self. But because we've been taught to disbelieve in God, we have lost connection with the means of connection, which is ourselves.

- Ali Ansari

1 comment:

  1. Assalammualaikum wbt.

    Dr. Lateef,

    Congratulation & welcome back to Malaysia!
