Thursday, April 19, 2007


If we are merely involved in religion through the taking of measurements,
the study of statistics and the rote memorization of scriptures, but have no direct experience of God, then the religion, philosophy and study become our God instead.
God is no longer God; the study about God is God.
Yet, if we never apply ourselves to the task of learning Allah's "ways" through discipline, obedience and study, we will not be ready or able to experience that which is beyond our own limitations.

On the other hand, if we want the direct experience but haven't prepared ourselves with organization and discipline, then we've abandoned our responsibility in the world.
We have deserted the structure that gives us the moral integrity and personal and emotional strength that allows for true experience!

- Sheikh Din Muhammad Abdullah al-Dayemi


  1. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Subhan'Allah, how true. This is the best definition I have seen of the balance between (a) focusing on Allah, and (b) religious practice. So many people put Islam or Christianity first and forget about the Creator, or they only think of Him as the leader of their personal gang.
