Thursday, September 20, 2007

Islam is an Easy Religion

I am often troubled by the Muslim that believes, and even pushes, other Muslims into thinking that to be a 'good' Muslim, one must participate in any (or all) or the X number of "Islamic" organizations out there, and if one chooses not to, then somehow we are not being supportive of Islam or are even letting down our ummah by not doing so.

To these people I say beware. I say beware because in truth Islam is a simple religion. It is not a religion of grandiose political movements. It is a religion of faith and doing simple good deeds, first and foremost with and for those who are closest to you and then others if you have the ability to do so. It is not about making your brothers and sisters feel guilty for not being as "Islamic" as you.

From Sahih Muslim: Abu Huraira narrates that the Prophet (sas) said: "Who began this day fasting?" Abu Bakr said: "I did." The Prophet (sas) said: "Who participated in a funeral procession today?" Abu Bakr said: "I did." The Prophet (sas) said: "Who fed a needy person today?" Abu Bakr said: "I did." The Prophet (sas) said: "Who visited a sick person today?" Abu Bakr said: "I did." Then, the Prophet (sas) said: "These things cannot all meed in a single person but that they will enter Paradise."

This is just one example among hundreds of how Islam is a deen of substance and essence and not superficiality and grandeur. Seemingly simple deeds such as feeding someone, attending a funeral, attending a wedding, helping someone in some small way, when done with a sincere heart are certainly Islamic and naturally loved by Allah.

Ramadan should be a time of refocusing our energies and spirit on the essence of what matters most, which is striving for, to and in Allah, through sincere worship and good deeds. Let us all (and I remind myself of this first!) remember that the seemingly most simple or basic of deeds can be among the most highly beloved to Allah. We are not here to play God by judging others for what we see on the outside, but to focus our time and energy on our Selves -- their purification, improvement and enlightenment.

For how can unity be achieved accept through the acceptance of each other's sincere efforts, even if they be of a different nature than our own?

May this very special month fill our hearts with love, mercy and gratitude.

To be honored with membership in the community of Allah's Beloved,
To be honored with witnessing this month of mercy and forgiveness,
To be honored with invitation into the Presence of the One five times per day,
To be honored with the desire to do good unto others,
To be honored with a religion called 'peaceful surrender',
To be honored with friends and companions who share this special bond...

Thank you Allah, thank you Allah, thank you Allah....

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