Monday, April 28, 2008

Pretension is a Veil

No denser veil than pretension exists between God and the devotee.
There is no closer way to God than spiritual impoverishment before Him.

-Tustari in ‘Attar: “Tadhkirat”


  1. Assalamualaikum
    dear lecturer,i read several times but i don't understand
    could you explain more

  2. Waalaikumsalam Mansooreh.... I think what is meant here is that sense of total humility without an ounce of feeling that anything we have in terms of spiritual 'success' is from Allah alone. Pretension is vanity; described in the dictionary as "a claim or right to attention or honor because of merit." So in a spiritual sense it's that feeling that I am successful because of ME and what I have done, because I am this or that... Spiritual poverty is the state where one realizes his total reliance and dependence on Allah for whatever he has, and that he is only successful, knowledgeable, pious, etc. because of Allah's grace alone and not by his own doing. For example, one's adherence to praying 5 times a day is nothing of our own doing. It is only by Allah's will and grace that we are guided and given the desire, ability and motivation to make those prayers. Yet, some may attribute their good deeds to themselves.

    It's an important reminder for all of us. Wallahu 'alam...
